Initialising PEPT Scanner Data ============================== The ``pept.scanners`` submodule contains converters between scanner specific data formats (e.g. parallel screens / ASCII, modular camera / binary) and the ``pept`` base classes, allowing simple initialisation of ``pept.LineData`` from different sources. ADAC Forte ---------- The parallel screens detector used at Birmingham can output binary `list-mode` data, which can be converted using ``pept.scanners.adac_forte(binary_file)``: :: import pept lines = pept.scanners.adac_forte("binary_file.da01") If you have multiple files from the same experiment, e.g. "data.da01", "data.da02", etc., you can stitch them all together using a *glob*, "data.da*": :: import pept # Multiple files starting with `binary_file.da` lines = pept.scanners.adac_forte("binary_file.da*") Parallel Screens ---------------- If you have your data as a CSV containing 5 columns `[t, x1, y1, x2, y2]` representing the coordinates of the two points defining an LoR on two parallel screens, you can use ``pept.scanners.parallel_screens`` to insert the missing coordinates and get the LoRs into the general ``LineData`` format `[t, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2]`: :: import pept screen_separation = 500 lines = pept.scanners.parallel_screens(csv_or_array, screen_separation) Modular Camera -------------- Your modular camera data can be initialised using ``pept.scanners.modular_camera``: :: import pept lines = pept.scanners.modular_camera(filepath)