********* Tutorials ********* The main purpose of the PEPT library is to provide a common, consistent foundation for PEPT-related algorithms, including tracer tracking, visualisation and post-processing tools - such that they can be used interchangeably, mixed and matched for any PEPT camera and system. Virtually all PEPT processing routine follows these steps: 1. Convert raw gamma camera / scanner data into 3D lines (i.e. the captured gamma rays, or lines of response - LoRs). 2. Take a sample of lines, locate tracer locations, then repeat for the next samples. 3. Separate out individual tracer trajectories. 4. Visualise and post-process trajectories. For these algorithm-agnostic steps, PEPT provides five base data structures upon which the rest of the library is built: 1. ``pept.LineData``: general 3D line samples, formatted as *[time, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, extra...]*. 2. ``pept.PointData``: general 3D point samples, formatted as *[time, x, y, z, extra...]*. 3. ``pept.Pixels``: single 2D pixellised space with physical dimensions, including fast line traversal. 4. ``pept.Voxels``: single 3D voxellised space with physical dimensions, including fast line traversal. For example, once you convert your PEPT data - from any scanner - into ``pept.LineData``, all the algorithms in this library can be used. All the data structures above are built on top of NumPy and integrate natively with the rest of the Python / SciPy ecosystem. The rest of the PEPT library is organised into submodules: 1. ``pept.scanners``: converters between native scanner data and the base data structures. 2. ``pept.tracking``: radioactive tracer tracking algorithms, e.g. the Birmingham method, PEPT-ML, FPI. 3. ``pept.plots``: PEPT data visualisation subroutines. 4. ``pept.utilities``: general-purpose helpers, e.g. ``read_csv``, ``traverse3d``. 5. ``pept.processing``: PEPT-oriented post-processing algorithms, e.g. ``VectorField3D``. ------------ If you are new to the PEPT library, we recommend going through this interactive online notebook, which introduces all the fundamental concepts of the library: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1G8XHP9zWMMDVu23PXzANLCOKNP_RjBEO?usp=sharing Once you get the idea of ``LineData`` samples, ``Pipeline`` and ``PlotlyGrapher``, you can use these copy-pastable tutorials to build PEPT data analysis pipelines tailored to your specific systems. .. toctree:: :caption: Pre-processing basics reading visualising converting .. toctree:: :caption: Tracking adaptive_samples birmingham peptml fpi .. toctree:: :caption: Post-processing tracking_errors trajectory_separation filtering velocities interpolating