Trajectory Separation ===================== Segregate Points ---------------- We can separate out trajectory segments / points that are spatio-temporally far away to: 1. Remove spurious, noisy points. 2. Separate out continuous trajectory segments. The *spatio-temporal metric* differentiates between points that may be in the same location at different times. This is achieved by allowing points to be connected in a sliding window approach. The ``pept.tracking.Segregate`` algorithm works by creating a *Minimum Spanning Tree* (MST, or minimum distance path) connecting all points in a dataset, then *cutting* all paths longer than a ``cut_distance``. All distinct segments are assigned a trajectory ``'label'`` (integer starting from 0); trajectories with fewer than ``min_trajectory_size`` points are considered noise (label `-1`). :: from pept.tracking import * trajectories = Segregate(window = 20, cut_distance = 10.).fit(trajectories) Consider all trajectories with fewer than 50 points to be noise: :: segr = Segregate( window = 20, cut_distance = 10., min_trajectory_size = 50, ) trajectories = This step adds a new column "label". We can group each individual trajectory into a list with ``GroupBy``: :: traj_list = GroupBy("label").fit(trajectories) traj_list[0] # First trajectory *[New in pept-0.5.2]* Only connect points within a time interval; in other words, disconnect into different trajectories points whose timestamps are further apart than ``max_time_interval``: :: segr = Segregate( window = 20, cut_distance = 10., min_trajectory_size = 50, max_time_interval = 2000, # Disconnect tracer with >2s gap ) trajectories =