Source code for pept.base.iterable_samples

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    pept is a Python library that unifies Positron Emission Particle
#    Tracking (PEPT) research, including tracking, simulation, data analysis
#    and visualisation tools.
#    If you used this codebase or any software making use of it in a scientific
#    publication, you should cite the following paper:
#        Nicuşan AL, Windows-Yule CR. Positron emission particle tracking
#        using machine learning. Review of Scientific Instruments.
#        2020 Jan 1;91(1):013329.
#    Copyright (C) 2019-2022 the pept developers
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# File   :
# License: GNU v3.0
# Author : Andrei Leonard Nicusan <>
# Date   : 09.04.2020

import  pickle
import  operator
import  textwrap
from    copy                import  copy as shallowcopy
from    copy                import  deepcopy
from    dataclasses         import  dataclass
from    numbers             import  Number
from     import  Collection
from    concurrent.futures  import  ThreadPoolExecutor

import  numpy               as      np

from    tqdm                import  tqdm

from    .sampling_extensions import samples_indices_adaptive_window_ext

[docs]class PEPTObject: '''Base class for all PEPT-oriented objects.'''
[docs] def copy(self, deep = True): '''Create a deep copy of an instance of this class, including all inner attributes. ''' return deepcopy(self) if deep else shallowcopy(self)
[docs] def save(self, filepath): '''Save a `PEPTObject` instance as a binary `pickle` object. Saves the full object state, including inner attributes, in a portable binary format. Load back the object using the `load` method. Parameters ---------- filepath : filename or file handle If filepath is a path (rather than file handle), it is relative to where python is called. Examples -------- Save a `LineData` instance, then load it back: >>> lines = pept.LineData([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]) >>>"lines.pickle") >>> lines_reloaded = pept.LineData.load("lines.pickle") ''' with open(filepath, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(filepath): '''Load a saved / pickled `PEPTObject` object from `filepath`. Most often the full object state was saved using the `.save` method. Parameters ---------- filepath : filename or file handle If filepath is a path (rather than file handle), it is relative to where python is called. Returns ------- pept.PEPTObject subclass instance The loaded object. Examples -------- Save a `LineData` instance, then load it back: >>> lines = pept.LineData([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]) >>>"lines.pickle") >>> lines_reloaded = pept.LineData.load("lines.pickle") ''' with open(filepath, "rb") as f: obj = pickle.load(f) return obj
def __repr__(self): # Return pretty string representation of an arbitrary object docs = [] for attr in dir(self): if not attr.startswith("_"): memb = getattr(self, attr) if not callable(memb): memb_str = str(memb) if len(memb_str) > 80: memb_str = memb_str[:78] + "..." docs.append(f"{attr} = {memb_str}") name = self.__class__.__name__ underline = "-" * len(name) return f"{name}\n{underline}\n" + "\n".join(docs)
def samples_indices_number(data, sample_size, overlap): '''Compute the sample indices given some (N, M) `data` and fixed (integer) `sample_size` and `overlap`. The samples indices are returned in a (N, 2) NumPy array, where the first column is each sample's starting index (in `data`), and the second column contains the corresponding sample's ending index, so that e.g. sample `n` can be extracted as `data[samples_indices[n, 0]:samples_indices[n, 1]]`. ''' if sample_size == 0: return np.zeros((0, 2)) elif sample_size < 0: raise ValueError(( f"\n[ERROR]: `sample_size = {sample_size}` must be positive " "(>= 0).\n" )) elif overlap >= sample_size: raise ValueError(( f"\n[ERROR]: `overlap = {overlap}` must be smaller than " f"`sample_size = {sample_size}`.\n" )) # The first column is each sample's starting index; the second column is # the corresponding sample's ending index start = np.arange(0, len(data) - sample_size + 1, sample_size - overlap) end = start + sample_size return np.c_[start, end] def samples_indices_iterable(data, sample_size): '''Compute the sample indices given each sample's length in an iterable `sample_size`. ''' end = np.cumsum(sample_size, dtype = int) start = end - sample_size return np.c_[start, end]
[docs]@dataclass class TimeWindow: '''Define a `sample_size` as a fixed time window / slice. You can use this as a direct replacement of the `sample_size` and `overlap`. :: points = pept.PointData(sample_size = pept.TimeWindow(5.5)) ''' __slots__ = ["window"] # Only have the `window` attribute window: float
def samples_indices_time_window( data, sample_size: TimeWindow, overlap: TimeWindow, ): '''Compute the sample indices given a time window across the timestamps in `data` (i.e. column 0). ''' if sample_size.window == 0: return np.zeros((0, 2)) elif sample_size.window < 0: raise ValueError(( f"\n[ERROR]: `sample_size.window = {sample_size}` must be " "positive (>= 0).\n" )) elif overlap.window >= sample_size.window: raise ValueError(( f"\n[ERROR]: `overlap = {overlap}` must be smaller than " f"`sample_size = {sample_size}`.\n" )) eps = np.finfo(float).resolution start_times = np.arange( 0.9999 * data[0, 0] - eps, 1.0001 * (data[-1, 0] - sample_size.window) + eps, sample_size.window - overlap.window, dtype = float, ) end_times = start_times + sample_size.window start_indices = np.searchsorted(data[:, 0], start_times, "right") end_indices = np.searchsorted(data[:, 0], end_times, "right") # Remove empty samples cond = start_indices != end_indices start_indices = start_indices[cond] end_indices = end_indices[cond] return np.c_[start_indices, end_indices]
[docs]class AdaptiveWindow: '''Define a `sample_size` as a time window with a maximum limit of elements. All samples with more than `max_elems` elements will be shortened. You can use this as a direct replacement of the `sample_size` and `overlap`. :: points = pept.PointData(sample_size = pept.AdaptiveWindow(5.5, 200)) points.overlap = AdaptiveWindow(2.) The adaptive time window approach combines the advantages of fixed sample sizes and time windowing: - Time windows are robust to tracers moving in and out of the field of view, as they simply ignore the time slices where almost no LoRs are recorded. - Fixed sample sizes effectively adapt their spatio-temporal resolution, allowing for higher accuracy when tracers are passing through more active scanner regions. All samples with more than `ideal_elems` are shortened, such that time windows are shrinked when the tracer activity permits. There exists an ideal time window such that most samples will have roughly `ideal_elems`, with a few higher activity ones that are shortened; ``OptimizeWindow`` finds this ideal time window for ``pept.AdaptiveWindow``. *New in pept-0.5.1* '''
[docs] def __init__(self, window: float, max_elems: int = np.iinfo(int).max): self.window = float(window) self.max_elems = int(max_elems)
def __repr__(self): if self.max_elems == np.iinfo(int).max: mstr = "" else: mstr = f", max_elems={self.max_elems}" return f"AdaptiveWindow(window={self.window}{mstr})"
def samples_indices_adaptive_window( data, sample_size: AdaptiveWindow, overlap: AdaptiveWindow, ): '''Compute the sample indices given an adaptive time window across the timestamps in `data` (i.e. column 0). ''' if sample_size.window == 0: return np.zeros((0, 2)) elif sample_size.window < 0: raise ValueError(( f"\n[ERROR]: `sample_size.window = {sample_size}` must be " "positive (>= 0).\n" )) elif overlap.window >= sample_size.window: raise ValueError(( f"\n[ERROR]: `overlap = {overlap}` must be smaller than " f"`sample_size = {sample_size}`.\n" )) if sample_size.max_elems < 1: raise ValueError(( "\n[ERROR]: `sample_size.max_elems` must be larger than 1. " f"Received {sample_size.max_elems}.\n" )) return samples_indices_adaptive_window_ext( data, sample_size.window, overlap.window, sample_size.max_elems, ) class Selector: '''Allow selecting the first ``n`` data rows in a LineData or PointData. *New in pept-0.5.1* ''' def __init__(self, iterable_samples): self.iterable_samples = iterable_samples def __getitem__(self, key): return self.iterable_samples.copy( data =[key], sample_size = self.iterable_samples.sample_size, overlap = self.iterable_samples.overlap, )
[docs]class IterableSamples(PEPTObject, Collection): '''An class for iterating through an array (or array-like) in samples with potential overlap. This class can be used to access samples of data of an adaptive ``sample_size`` and ``overlap`` without requiring additional storage. The samples from the underlying data can be accessed using both indexing (``samples[0]``) and iteration (``for sample in samples: ...``). Particular cases: 1. If sample_size == 0, all data_samples is returned as one single sample. 2. If overlap >= sample_size, an error is raised. 3. If overlap < 0, lines are skipped between samples. Attributes ---------- data : iterable that supports slicing An iterable (e.g. numpy array) that supports slicing syntax (data[5:7]) storing the data that will be iterated over in samples. sample_size : int The number of rows in `data` to be returned in a single sample. A `sample_size` of 0 yields all the data as a single sample. overlap : int The number of overlapping rows from `data` between two consecutive samples. An overlap of 0 implies consecutive samples, while an overlap of (`sample_size` - 1) means incrementing the samples by one. A negative overlap implies skipping values between samples. Raises ------ ValueError If `overlap` >= `sample_size` unless `sample_size` is 0. Overlap must be smaller than `sample_size`. Note that it can also be negative. See Also -------- pept.LineData : Encapsulate LoRs for ease of iteration and plotting. pept.PointData : Encapsulate points for ease of iteration and plotting. '''
[docs] def __init__( self, data, sample_size = None, overlap = None, columns = [], **kwargs, ): '''`IterableSamples` class constructor. Parameters ---------- data : iterable The data that will be iterated over in samples; most commonly a NumPy array. sample_size : int or Iterable[Int], optional The number of rows in `data` to be returned in a single sample. A `sample_size` of 0 yields all the data as a single sample. overlap : int, optional The number of overlapping rows from `data` between two consecutive samples. An overlap of 0 implies consecutive samples, while an overlap of (`sample_size` - 1) means incrementing the samples by one. A negative overlap implies skipping values between samples. ''' # If not enough columns were supplied, append "col4", "col5", etc. if len(columns) < data.shape[1]: columns = list(columns) + [ f"col{i}" for i in range(len(columns), data.shape[1]) ] elif len(columns) > data.shape[1]: columns = columns[:data.shape[1]] self._data = np.asarray(data, dtype = float, order = "C") self._columns = columns self._attrs = kwargs self._set(sample_size = sample_size, overlap = overlap) self._index = 0 # Allow selecting rows of data, rather than samples = Selector(self)
def _set(self, sample_size = None, overlap = None): # If the overlap is defined, ensure it has the same type as sample_size if overlap is not None and not isinstance(overlap, type(sample_size)): raise TypeError(textwrap.fill(( "The input `overlap` (if defined) must have the same type " f"as `sample_size`. Received `{type(overlap)}`." ))) # Set sample_size. This calls the setter which does type-checking self._overlap = overlap self.sample_size = sample_size @property def data(self): return self._data @property def columns(self): return self._columns @property def attrs(self): return self._attrs
[docs] def extra_attrs(self): return {k: v for k, v in self.attrs.items() if not k.startswith("_")}
[docs] def hidden_attrs(self): return {k: v for k, v in self.attrs.items() if k.startswith("_")}
@property def samples_indices(self): return self._samples_indices @samples_indices.setter def samples_indices(self, samples_indices): samples_indices = np.asarray(samples_indices, order = "C", dtype = int) if samples_indices.ndim != 2 or samples_indices.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError(textwrap.fill(( "The `samples_indices`, if given as a NumPy array, must be " "a (N, 2) matrix where the first column contains each " "sample's starting index (in `data`), and the second " "column is the corresponding sample's end index. " f"Received array with shape `{samples_indices.shape}`." ))) self._sample_size = None self._overlap = None self._samples_indices = samples_indices @property def sample_size(self): return self._sample_size @sample_size.setter def sample_size(self, sample_size): if sample_size is None: self._sample_size = len( self._overlap = 0 self._samples_indices = np.array([[0, len(]]) elif isinstance(sample_size, Number): # If the overlap is of a different type, reset it if not isinstance(self.overlap, Number): self._overlap = 0 self._sample_size = int(sample_size) self._samples_indices = samples_indices_number(, self._sample_size, self._overlap ) elif isinstance(sample_size, TimeWindow): # If the overlap is of a different type, reset it if not isinstance(self.overlap, TimeWindow): self._overlap = TimeWindow(0.) self._sample_size = sample_size self._samples_indices = samples_indices_time_window(, self._sample_size, self._overlap ) elif isinstance(sample_size, AdaptiveWindow): # If the overlap is of a different type, reset it if not isinstance(self.overlap, AdaptiveWindow): self._overlap = AdaptiveWindow(0.) self._sample_size = sample_size self._samples_indices = samples_indices_adaptive_window(, self._sample_size, self._overlap ) elif hasattr(sample_size, "__iter__"): sample_size = np.asarray(sample_size, dtype = int) # Special case: if all sample_sizes are equal, set them to that if len(sample_size) and (sample_size == sample_size[0]).all(): self._overlap = 0 self.sample_size = sample_size[0] return self._overlap = None self._sample_size = sample_size self._samples_indices = samples_indices_iterable(, self._sample_size ) else: raise TypeError("The input `sample_size` has an unknown type.") @property def overlap(self): return self._overlap @overlap.setter def overlap(self, overlap): if overlap is not None and not \ isinstance(overlap, type(self.sample_size)): raise TypeError(textwrap.fill(( "The input `overlap` must have the same type " f"as `sample_size`. Received `{type(overlap)}`." ))) # Call the `sample_size` setter which does type checking self._overlap = overlap self.sample_size = self._sample_size
[docs] def copy( self, deep = True, data = None, extra = True, hidden = True, **attrs, ): '''Construct a similar object, optionally with different `data`. If `extra`, extra attributes are propagated; same for `hidden`. ''' # Propagate needed attributes if extra and hidden: attrs.update(self.attrs) elif extra: attrs.update(self.extra_attrs()) elif hidden: attrs.update(self.hidden_attrs()) set_samples_indices = False if data is None: data = if deep else attrs["columns"] = self.columns # If copying the existing inner data and we have custom # samples_indices, set them afterwards if self.sample_size is None: set_samples_indices = True else: attrs["sample_size"] = self.sample_size attrs["overlap"] = self.overlap if "columns" not in attrs: attrs["columns"] = self.columns new_instance = self.__class__(data, **attrs) if set_samples_indices: new_instance.samples_indices = self.samples_indices return new_instance
def __len__(self): # Defined so that len(class_instance) returns the number of samples. return len(self.samples_indices) def __contains__(self, key): return def __getitem__(self, n): # String indexing into columns if isinstance(n, str): return[:, self.columns.index(n)] # Numeric indexing into samples indices = self.samples_indices if isinstance(n, slice): # Construct explicit list of indices from slice n = np.arange(len(self.samples_indices))[n] if hasattr(n, "__iter__"): mask = np.full(len(, False) samples_indices = np.full((len(n), 2), 0) # Create a boolean mask array selecting only array elements we need for i, nsample in enumerate(n): curi = indices[nsample] mask[curi[0]:curi[1]] = True # The samples indices must be offset by the number of omitted # array elements before their array index previous = mask[:curi[0]] offset = np.size(previous) - np.count_nonzero(previous) samples_indices[i, :] = indices[nsample] - offset data =[mask] new_instance = self.__class__( data, columns = self.columns, **self.attrs ) new_instance.samples_indices = samples_indices return new_instance # Otherwise return a single sample while n < 0: n += len(self) data =[indices[n, 0]:indices[n, 1]] return self.__class__( data, len(data), columns = self.columns, **self.attrs ) def __iter__(self): # Defined so the class can be iterated as # `for sample in class_instance: ...` return self def __next__(self): if self._index >= len(self): self._index = 0 raise StopIteration self._index += 1 return self[self._index - 1]
class AsyncIterableSamples(PEPTObject): '''Asynchronously apply a function to some samples of data and return those processed samples on demand. For example, samples of `Cutpoints` are computed from samples of `LineData`; `cutpoints_instance[0]` processes the first sample of lines and returns it. Attributes ---------- samples : instance or subclass of IterableSamples The samples of data to be processed; must be a subclass of `IterableSamples` to allow iterating over samples (e.g. `LineData`). function : callable, signature `func(sample)` A function transforming a raw sample from `samples` into a processed sample. columns : List[str] or None, optional The column names of the processed samples. executor : concurrent.futures.Executor subclass, default ThreadPoolExecutor The executor used ''' def __init__( self, samples, function, args = (), kwargs = dict(), columns = None, save_cache = False, verbose = True, ): # Type-checking inputs if not isinstance(samples, IterableSamples): raise TypeError(( "The input `samples` must be a collection that allows " "iteration in samples - and therefore to be a subclass of " "`IterableSamples`" )) if not callable(function): raise TypeError("The input `function` must be callable!") # Setting class attributes self._samples = samples self._function = function self._args = tuple(args) self._kwargs = dict(kwargs) self._columns = None if columns is None else [str(c) for c in columns] self._save_cache = bool(save_cache) self._index = 0 self._processed = [None for _ in range(len(self._samples))] @property def samples(self): # The samples of data that will be processed return self._samples @property def columns(self): return self._columns @property def processed(self): # Return the list of processed samples return self._processed @property def function(self): # The function that transforms `samples` asynchronously return self._function @property def save_cache(self): return self._save_cache @save_cache.setter def save_cache(self, new_save_cache): self._save_cache = bool(new_save_cache) @property def data(self): # Accessing all processed data will trigger a full processing run. # Defined here to allow e.g. plotting return np.vstack(self.traverse(verbose = False)) def traverse( self, sample_indices = ..., executor = ThreadPoolExecutor, max_workers = None, verbose = True, ): '''Apply `self.function` to all samples in `samples` at indices `samples_indices`. If `save_cache` is `True`, the processed samples are also cached in the `data` attribute. Otherwise, they are only returned as a list. Parameters ---------- sample_indices : int or iterable or Ellipsis, default Ellipsis The index or indices of the samples to process. An `int` signifies the sample index, an iterable (list-like) signifies multiple sample indices, while an Ellipsis (`...`) signifies all samples. The default is `...` (all samples). verbose : bool, default True Show extra information as the processing is done. Returns ------- list A list of the processed samples, selected by `sample_indices`. The type depends on the output of `function`. Notes ----- This method is automatically called if the instantiation of the class sets `traverse = True`. ''' # Check if sample_indices is an iterable collection (list-like) # otherwise just "iterate" over the single number or Ellipsis. if sample_indices is Ellipsis: sample_indices = np.arange(len(self.samples)) elif not hasattr(sample_indices, "__iter__"): sample_indices = [sample_indices] with executor(max_workers = max_workers) as exe: # Use pre-computed voxels and voxellise the other samples selected_samples = [None for _ in range(len(sample_indices))] selected_futures = [None for _ in range(len(sample_indices))] # Apply `function` to each selected sample for i, n in enumerate(sample_indices): # Optimisation: if this sample was already processed and # cached, reuse it if self.processed[n] is not None: selected_samples[i] = self.processed[n] continue # Otherwise, process the sample asynchronously selected_futures[i] = exe.submit( self.function, self.samples[n], *self._args, **self._kwargs, ) if verbose: sample_indices = tqdm(sample_indices) # Iterate through all the futures; if not None (i.e. we processed # the just sample now), extract it. Otherwise it was pre-computed for i, n in enumerate(sample_indices): if selected_futures[i] is not None: selected_samples[i] = selected_futures[i].result() # Delete the future object to release its memory selected_futures[i] = None # If we processed this sample and we use "save_cache", # cache the result in self.voxels if self.save_cache: self.processed[n] = selected_samples[i] return selected_samples def accumulate( self, sample_indices = ..., op = operator.add, executor = ThreadPoolExecutor, max_workers = None, verbose = True, ): '''Accumulate all selected processed samples onto the same object using the operator `op`. For example, this method can be used to voxellise multiple samples of lines into the same `Voxels` class. The computation is done in parallel and uses the least amount of memory possible. Parameters ---------- sample_indices : int or iterable or Ellipsis, default Ellipsis The index or indices of the samples to process. An `int` signifies the sample index, an iterable (list-like) signifies multiple sample indices, while an Ellipsis (`...`) signifies all samples. The default is `...` (all samples). verbose : bool, default True Show extra information as the processing runs. Returns ------- `type(function(samples[0]))` The processed object onto which all processed samples were superimposed. ''' # Check if sample_indices is an iterable collection (list-like) # otherwise just "iterate" over the single number or Ellipsis. if sample_indices is Ellipsis: sample_indices = np.arange(len(self.samples)) elif not hasattr(sample_indices, "__iter__"): sample_indices = [sample_indices] # Voxellise each selected sample with executor(max_workers = max_workers) as exe: # Use pre-computed samples and process the other samples selected_futures = [None for _ in range(len(sample_indices))] for i, n in enumerate(sample_indices): # Optimisation: if this sample was already processed, reuse it if self._voxels[n] is not None: continue # Otherwise, process the sample asynchronously selected_futures[i] = exe.submit( self.function, self.samples[n], *self._args, **self._kwargs, ) if verbose: sample_indices = tqdm(sample_indices) # Iterate through all the futures; if not None (i.e. we voxellised # the sample now), get the result. Otherwise it was pre-computed if selected_futures[0] is None: superimposed = self.processed[0] else: superimposed = selected_futures[0].result() selected_futures[0] = None for i in range(1, len(sample_indices)): if selected_futures[i] is not None: superimposed = op( superimposed, selected_futures[i].result(), ) # Delete future object to release its memory selected_futures[i] = None else: superimposed = op( superimposed, self.processed[sample_indices[i]], ) return superimposed def __len__(self): return len(self.samples) def __getitem__(self, key): # For accessing voxels using subscript notation key = int(key) # Allow negative indices while key < 0: key += len(self.processed) if key >= len(self.processed): raise IndexError(textwrap.fill(( f"The index `{key}` was out of range. There are " f"{len(self.samples)} samples to be processed, " "indexed from 0." ))) # If the sample was already processed and cached, return it directly if self.processed[key] is not None: return self.processed[key] # Otherwise process it p = self.function( self.samples[key], # _memoryview_safe(self.samples[key]) *self._args, **self._kwargs, ) if self.save_cache: self.processed[key] = p return p def __iter__(self): # Allow iteration of the class - `for sample in class_instance:` return self def __next__(self): if self._index >= len(self): self._index = 0 raise StopIteration self._index += 1 return self[self._index - 1]