Source code for pept.plots.plotly_grapher

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    pept is a Python library that unifies Positron Emission Particle
#    Tracking (PEPT) research, including tracking, simulation, data analysis
#    and visualisation tools.
#    If you used this codebase or any software making use of it in a scientific
#    publication, you must cite the following paper:
#        Nicuşan AL, Windows-Yule CR. Positron emission particle tracking
#        using machine learning. Review of Scientific Instruments.
#        2020 Jan 1;91(1):013329.
#    Copyright (C) 2019-2021 the pept developers
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# File   :
# License: GNU v3.0
# Author : Andrei Leonard Nicusan <>
# Date   : 23.08.2019

import  textwrap

import  numpy                   as          np

import  plotly.graph_objects    as          go
from    plotly.subplots         import      make_subplots

import  pept
from    .plotly_grapher2d       import      format_fig

[docs]class PlotlyGrapher(pept.base.PEPTObject): '''A class for PEPT data visualisation using Plotly-based 3D graphs. The **PlotlyGrapher** class can create and automatically configure an arbitrary number of 3D subplots for PEPT data visualisation. They are by default set to use the *alternative PEPT 3D axes convention* - having the *y*-axis pointing upwards, such that the vertical screens of a PEPT scanner represent the *xy*-plane. This class can be used to draw 3D scatter or line plots, with optional colour-coding using extra data columns (e.g. relative tracer activity or trajectory label). It also provides easy access to the most common configuration parameters for the plots, such as axes limits, subplot titles, colorbar titles, etc. It can work with pre-computed Plotly traces (such as the ones from the `pept` base classes), as well as with numpy arrays. Attributes ---------- xlim : list or numpy.ndarray A list of length 2, formatted as `[x_min, x_max]`, where `x_min` is the lower limit of the x-axis of all the subplots and `x_max` is the upper limit of the x-axis of all the subplots. ylim : list or numpy.ndarray A list of length 2, formatted as `[y_min, y_max]`, where `y_min` is the lower limit of the y-axis of all the subplots and `y_max` is the upper limit of the y-axis of all the subplots. zlim : list or numpy.ndarray A list of length 2, formatted as `[z_min, z_max]`, where `z_min` is the lower limit of the z-axis of all the subplots and `z_max` is the upper limit of the z-axis of all the subplots. fig : Plotly.Figure instance A Plotly.Figure instance, with any number of subplots (as defined by `rows` and `cols`) pre-configured for PEPT data. Raises ------ ValueError If `xlim`, `ylim` or `zlim` are not lists of length 2. Examples -------- The figure is created when instantiating the class. >>> grapher = PlotlyGrapher() >>> lors = LineData(raw_lors...) # Some example lines >>> points = PointData(raw_points...) # Some example points Creating a trace based on a numpy array: >>> sample_lors = lors[0] # A numpy array of a single sample >>> sample_points = points[0] >>> grapher.add_lines(sample_lors) >>> grapher.add_points(sample_points) Showing the plot: >>> If you'd like to show the plot in your browser, you can set the default Plotly renderer: >>> import plotly >>> = "browser" Return pre-computed traces that you can add to other figures: >>> PlotlyGrapher.lines_trace(lines) >>> PlotlyGrapher.points_trace(points) More examples are given in the docstrings of the `add_points`, `add_lines` methods. '''
[docs] def __init__( self, rows = 1, cols = 1, xlim = None, ylim = None, zlim = None, subplot_titles = [" "] ): '''`PlotlyGrapher` class constructor. Parameters ---------- rows : int, optional The number of rows of subplots. The default is 1. cols : int, optional The number of columns of subplots. The default is 1. xlim : list or numpy.ndarray, optional A list of length 2, formatted as `[x_min, x_max]`, where `x_min` is the lower limit of the x-axis of all the subplots and `x_max` is the upper limit of the x-axis of all the subplots. ylim : list or numpy.ndarray, optional A list of length 2, formatted as `[y_min, y_max]`, where `y_min` is the lower limit of the y-axis of all the subplots and `y_max` is the upper limit of the y-axis of all the subplots. zlim : list or numpy.ndarray, optional A list of length 2, formatted as `[z_min, z_max]`, where `z_min` is the lower limit of the z-axis of all the subplots and `z_max` is the upper limit of the z-axis of all the subplots. subplot_titles : list of str, default [" "] A list of the titles of the subplots - e.g. ["plot a)", "plot b)"]. The default is a list of empty strings. Raises ------ ValueError If `rows` < 1 or `cols` < 1. ValueError If `xlim`, `ylim` or `zlim` are not lists of length 2. ''' rows = int(rows) cols = int(cols) if rows < 1 or cols < 1: raise ValueError(( "\n[ERROR]: The number of rows and cols have to be larger " f"than 1. Received rows = {rows}; cols = {cols}.\n" )) self._rows = rows self._cols = cols if xlim is not None: xlim = np.asarray(xlim, dtype = float) if xlim.ndim != 1 or xlim.shape[0] != 2: raise ValueError(( "\n[ERROR]: xlim needs to be a list of length 2, formatted" f" as xlim = [x_min, x_max]. Received {xlim}.\n" )) if ylim is not None: ylim = np.asarray(ylim, dtype = float) if ylim.ndim != 1 or ylim.shape[0] != 2: raise ValueError(( "\n[ERROR]: ylim needs to be a list of length 2, formatted" f" as ylim = [y_min, y_max]. Received {ylim}.\n" )) if zlim is not None: zlim = np.asarray(zlim, dtype = float) if zlim.ndim != 1 or zlim.shape[0] != 2: raise ValueError(( "\n[ERROR]: zlim needs to be a list of length 2, formatted" f" as zlim = [z_min, z_max]. Received {zlim}.\n" )) self._xlim = xlim self._ylim = ylim self._zlim = zlim self._subplot_titles = subplot_titles # Pad the subplot titles that were not set with empty strings. self._subplot_titles.extend([' '] * (rows * cols - len(subplot_titles))) self._fig = self.create_figure()
[docs] def create_figure(self): '''Create a Plotly figure, pre-configured for PEPT data. This function creates a Plotly figure with an arbitrary number of subplots, as given in the class instantiation call. It configures them to have the *y*-axis pointing upwards, as per the PEPT 3D axes convention. It also sets the axes limits and labels. Returns ------- fig : Plotly Figure instance A Plotly Figure instance, with any number of subplots (as defined when instantiating the class) pre-configured for PEPT data. ''' specs = [[{"type": "scatter3d"}] * self._cols] * self._rows self._fig = make_subplots( rows = self._rows, cols = self._cols, specs = specs, subplot_titles = self._subplot_titles, horizontal_spacing = 0.005, vertical_spacing = 0.05 ) self._fig['layout'].update( margin = dict(l = 0, r = 0, b = 30, t = 30), showlegend = False ) # For every subplot (scene), set axes' ratios and limits # Also set the y axis to point upwards # Plotly naming convention of scenes: 'scene', 'scene2', etc. for i in range(self._rows): for j in range(self._cols): if i == j == 0: scene = "scene" else: scene = "scene{}".format(i * self._cols + j + 1) # Justify subplot title on the left # self._fig.layout.annotations[i * self._cols + j].update( # x = (j + 0.15) / self._cols # ) self._fig["layout"][scene].update( xaxis = dict( range = self._xlim, title = dict(text = "<i>x</i> (mm)") ), yaxis = dict( range = self._ylim, title = dict(text = "<i>y</i> (mm)") ), zaxis = dict( range = self._zlim, title = dict(text = "<i>z</i> (mm)") ), aspectmode = "manual", aspectratio = dict(x = 1, y = 1, z = 1), camera = dict( up = dict(x = 0, y = 1, z = 0), eye = dict(x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.5) ), ) # Set default zoom out level to include the whole graphs self._fig.update_scenes(camera_eye = dict(x=1.5, y=1.5, z=1.5)) format_fig(self._fig, size = 15) return self._fig
@property def xlim(self): return self._xlim @xlim.setter def xlim(self, xlim): xlim = np.asarray(xlim, dtype = float) if xlim.ndim != 1 or xlim.shape[0] != 2: raise ValueError(( "\n[ERROR]: xlim needs to be a list of length 2, formatted as" f"xlim = [x_min, x_max]. Received {xlim}.\n" )) self._xlim = xlim # For every subplot (scene), update axes' limits # Plotly naming convention of scenes: 'scene', 'scene2', etc. for i in range(self._rows): for j in range(self._cols): if i == j == 0: scene = 'scene' else: scene = 'scene{}'.format(i * self._cols + j + 1) self._fig['layout'][scene].update( xaxis = dict(range = self._xlim) ) @property def ylim(self): return self._ylim @ylim.setter def ylim(self, ylim): ylim = np.asarray(ylim, dtype = float) if ylim.ndim != 1 or ylim.shape[0] != 2: raise ValueError(( "\n[ERROR]: ylim needs to be a list of length 2, formatted as" f"ylim = [y_min, y_max]. Received {ylim}.\n" )) self._ylim = ylim # For every subplot (scene), update axes' limits # Plotly naming convention of scenes: 'scene', 'scene2', etc. for i in range(self._rows): for j in range(self._cols): if i == j == 0: scene = 'scene' else: scene = 'scene{}'.format(i * self._cols + j + 1) self._fig['layout'][scene].update( yaxis = dict(range = self._ylim) ) @property def zlim(self): return self._zlim @zlim.setter def zlim(self, zlim): zlim = np.asarray(zlim, dtype = float) if zlim.ndim != 1 or zlim.shape[0] != 2: raise ValueError(( "\n[ERROR]: zlim needs to be a list of length 2, formatted as" f"zlim = [z_min, z_max]. Received {zlim}.\n" )) self._zlim = zlim # For every subplot (scene), update axes' limits # Plotly naming convention of scenes: 'scene', 'scene2', etc. for i in range(self._rows): for j in range(self._cols): if i == j == 0: scene = 'scene' else: scene = 'scene{}'.format(i * self._cols + j + 1) self._fig['layout'][scene].update( zaxis = dict(range = self._zlim) ) @property def fig(self): return self._fig
[docs] def xlabel(self, label, row = 1, col = 1): if row == col == 1: scene = "scene" else: scene = f"scene{(row - 1) * col + col}" self.fig.layout[scene].update(xaxis = dict(title = label))
[docs] def ylabel(self, label, row = 1, col = 1): if row == col == 1: scene = "scene" else: scene = f"scene{(row - 1) * col + col}" self.fig.layout[scene].update(yaxis = dict(title = label))
[docs] def zlabel(self, label, row = 1, col = 1): if row == col == 1: scene = "scene" else: scene = f"scene{(row - 1) * col + col}" self.fig.layout[scene].update(zaxis = dict(title = label))
[docs] @staticmethod def points_trace( points, size = 2.0, color = None, opacity = 0.8, colorbar = True, colorbar_col = -1, colorscale = "Magma", colorbar_title = None, **kwargs, ): '''Static method for creating a Plotly trace of points. See `PlotlyGrapher.add_points` for the full documentation. ''' if not isinstance(points, pept.PointData): points = pept.PointData(points) pts = points.points # No need to type-check the other parameters as Plotly will do that # anyway... # Create the dictionary of marker properties marker = dict( size = size, color = color, opacity = opacity ) # Update `marker` if a colorbar is requested AND color is None. if colorbar and color is None: if isinstance(colorbar_col, str): color_data = points[colorbar_col] else: color_data = pts[:, colorbar_col] marker.update(colorscale = colorscale) if colorbar_title is not None: marker["colorbar"] = dict(title = colorbar_title) # Special case: if there are less than 10 values in the colorbar # column, add them as separate traces for better distinction # between colours. labels = np.unique(color_data) if len(labels) <= 10: traces = [] for label in labels: selected = pts[color_data == label] traces.append( go.Scatter3d( x = selected[:, 1], y = selected[:, 2], z = selected[:, 3], mode = "markers", marker = marker, **kwargs, ) ) return traces # Otherwise just use a typical continuous colorbar for all the # values in colorbar_col. else: marker['color'] = color_data coords_x = pts[:, 1] coords_y = pts[:, 2] coords_z = pts[:, 3] return go.Scatter3d( x = coords_x, y = coords_y, z = coords_z, mode = "markers", marker = marker, **kwargs, )
[docs] def add_points( self, points, row = 1, col = 1, size = 2.0, color = None, opacity = 0.8, colorbar = True, colorbar_col = -1, colorscale = "Magma", colorbar_title = None, **kwargs, ): '''Create and plot a trace for all the points in a numpy array or `pept.PointData`, with possible color-coding. Creates a `plotly.graph_objects.Scatter3d` object for all the points included in the numpy array or `pept.PointData` instance (or subclass thereof!) `points` and adds it to the subplot determined by `row` and `col`. The expected data row is [time, x1, y1, z1, ...]. Parameters ---------- points : (M, N >= 4) numpy.ndarray or pept.PointData The expected data columns are: [time, x1, y1, z1, etc.]. If a `pept.PointData` instance (or subclass thereof) is received, the inner `points` will be used. row : int, default 1 The row of the subplot to add a trace to. col : int, default 1 The column of the subplot to add a trace to. size : float, default 2.0 The marker size of the points. color : str or list-like, optional Can be a single color (e.g. "black", "rgb(122, 15, 241)") or a colorbar list. Overrides `colorbar` if set. For more information, check the Plotly documentation. The default is None. opacity : float, default 0.8 The opacity of the lines, where 0 is transparent and 1 is fully opaque. colorbar : bool, default True If set to True, will color-code the data in the `points` column `colorbar_col`. Is overridden by `color` if set. colorbar_col : int, default -1 The column in `points` that will be used to color the points. Only has an effect if `colorbar` is set to True. The default is -1 (the last column). colorscale : str, default "Magma" The Plotly scheme for color-coding the `colorbar_col` column in the input data. Typical ones include "Cividis", "Viridis" and "Magma". A full list is given at ``. Only has an effect if `colorbar = True` and `color` is not set. colorbar_title : str, optional If set, the colorbar will have this title above it. Raises ------ ValueError If `points` is not a numpy.ndarray with shape (M, N), where N >= 4. Notes ----- If a colorbar is to be used (i.e. `colorbar = True` and `color = None`) and there are fewer than 10 unique values in the `colorbar_col` column in `points`, then the points for each unique label will be added as separate traces. This is helpful for cases such as when plotting points with labelled trajectories, as when there are fewer than 10 trajectories, the distinct colours automatically used by Plotly when adding multiple traces allow the points to be better distinguished. Examples -------- Add an array of points (data columns: [time, x, y, z]) to a `PlotlyGrapher` instance: >>> grapher = PlotlyGrapher() >>> points_raw = np.array(...) # shape (N, M >= 4) >>> grapher.add_points(points_raw) >>> Add all the points in a `PointData` instance: >>> point_data = pept.PointData(...) # Some example data >>> grapher.add_points(point_data) >>> If you have an extremely large number of points in a numpy array, you can plot every 10th point using slices: >>> pts = np.array(...) # shape (N, M >= 4), N very large >>> grapher.add_points(pts[::10]) ''' trace = PlotlyGrapher.points_trace( points, size = size, color = color, opacity = opacity, colorbar = colorbar, colorbar_col = colorbar_col, colorscale = colorscale, colorbar_title = colorbar_title, **kwargs, ) # May be list of traces if isinstance(trace, list): self.add_traces(trace, row = row, col = col) else: self.add_trace(trace, row = row, col = col) return self
[docs] @staticmethod def lines_trace( lines, width = 2.0, color = None, opacity = 0.6, colorbar = True, colorbar_col = 0, colorscale = "Magma", colorbar_title = None, ): '''Static method for creating a Plotly trace of lines. See `PlotlyGrapher.add_lines` for the full documentation. ''' if not isinstance(lines, pept.LineData): lines = pept.LineData(lines) marker = dict( width = width, color = color, ) if colorbar: if color is None: marker['color'] = [] marker.update(colorscale = colorscale) if colorbar_title is not None: marker.update(colorbar = dict(title = colorbar_title)) coords_x = np.full(3 * len(lines.lines), np.nan) coords_x[0::3] = lines.lines[:, 1] coords_x[1::3] = lines.lines[:, 4] coords_y = np.full(3 * len(lines.lines), np.nan) coords_y[0::3] = lines.lines[:, 2] coords_y[1::3] = lines.lines[:, 5] coords_z = np.full(3 * len(lines.lines), np.nan) coords_z[0::3] = lines.lines[:, 3] coords_z[1::3] = lines.lines[:, 6] if colorbar and color is None: if isinstance(colorbar_col, str): color_data = lines[colorbar_col] else: color_data = lines.lines[:, colorbar_col] marker['color'] = np.repeat(color_data, 3) return go.Scatter3d( x = coords_x, y = coords_y, z = coords_z, mode = 'lines', opacity = opacity, line = marker )
[docs] def add_lines( self, lines, row = 1, col = 1, width = 2.0, color = None, opacity = 0.6, colorbar = True, colorbar_col = 0, colorscale = "Magma", colorbar_title = None, ): '''Create and plot a trace for all the lines in a numpy array or `pept.LineData`, with possible color-coding. Creates a `plotly.graph_objects.Scatter3d` object for all the lines included in the numpy array or `pept.LineData` instance (or subclass thereof!) `lines` and adds it to the subplot determined by `row` and `col`. It expects LoR-like data, where each line is defined by two points. The expected data columns are [time, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ...]. Parameters ---------- lines : (M, N >= 7) numpy.ndarray or pept.LineData The expected data columns: [time, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, etc.]. If a `pept.LineData` instance (or subclass thereof) is received, the inner `lines` will be used. row : int, default 1 The row of the subplot to add a trace to. col : int, default 1 The column of the subplot to add a trace to. width : float, default 2.0 The width of the lines. color : str or list-like, optional Can be a single color (e.g. "black", "rgb(122, 15, 241)") or a colorbar list. Overrides `colorbar` if set. For more information, check the Plotly documentation. The default is None. opacity : float, default 0.6 The opacity of the lines, where 0 is transparent and 1 is fully opaque. colorbar : bool, default True If set to True, will color-code the data in the `lines` column `colorbar_col`. Is overridden if `color` is set. The default is True, so that every line has a different color. colorbar_col : int, default 0 The column in the data samples that will be used to color the points. Only has an effect if `colorbar` is set to True. The default is 0 (the first column - time). colorscale : str, default "Magma" The Plotly scheme for color-coding the `colorbar_col` column in the input data. Typical ones include "Cividis", "Viridis" and "Magma". A full list is given at ``. Only has an effect if `colorbar = True` and `color` is not set. colorbar_title : str, optional If set, the colorbar will have this title above it. Raises ------ ValueError If `lines` is not a numpy.ndarray with shape (M, N), where N >= 7. Examples -------- Add an array of lines (data columns: [t, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2]) to a `PlotlyGrapher` instance: >>> grapher = PlotlyGrapher() >>> lines_raw = np.array(...) # shape (N, M >= 7) >>> grapher.add_lines(lines_raw) >>> Add all the lines in a `LineData` instance: >>> line_data = pept.LineData(...) # Some example data >>> grapher.add_lines(line_data) >>> If you have a very large number of lines in a numpy array, you can plot every 10th point using slices: >>> lines_raw = np.array(...) # shape (N, M >= 7), N very large >>> grapher.add_lines(lines_raw[::10]) ''' trace = PlotlyGrapher.lines_trace( lines, width = width, color = color, opacity = opacity, colorbar = colorbar, colorbar_col = colorbar_col, colorscale = colorscale, colorbar_title = colorbar_title, ) self._fig.add_trace(trace, row = row, col = col) return self
[docs] def add_pixels( self, pixels, row = 1, col = 1, condition = lambda pixels: pixels > 0, opacity = 0.9, colorscale = "Magma", ): '''Create and plot a trace with all the pixels in this class, with possible filtering. Creates a `plotly.graph_objects.Surface` object for the centres of all pixels encapsulated in a `pept.Pixels` instance, colour-coding the pixel value. The `condition` parameter is a filtering function that should return a boolean mask (i.e. it is the result of a condition evaluation). For example `lambda x: x > 0` selects all pixels that have a value larger than 0. Parameters ---------- pixels : pept.Pixels The pixel space, encapsulated in a `pept.Pixels` instance (or subclass thereof). Only `pept.Pixels` are accepted as raw pixels on their own do not contain data about the spatial coordinates of the pixel box. row : int, default 1 The row of the subplot to add a trace to. col : int, default 1 The column of the subplot to add a trace to. condition : function, default `lambda pixels: pixels > 0` The filtering function applied to the pixel data before plotting it. It should return a boolean mask (a numpy array of the same shape, filled with True and False), selecting all pixels that should be plotted. The default, `lambda x: x > 0` selects all pixels which have a value larger than 0. opacity : float, default 0.4 The opacity of the surface, where 0 is transparent and 1 is fully opaque. colorscale : str, default "Magma" The Plotly scheme for color-coding the voxel values in the input data. Typical ones include "Cividis", "Viridis" and "Magma". A full list is given at ``. Only has an effect if `colorbar = True` and `color` is not set. Examples -------- Pixellise an array of lines and add them to a `PlotlyGrapher` instance: >>> grapher = PlotlyGrapher() >>> lines = np.array(...) # shape (N, M >= 7) >>> lines2d = lines[:, [0, 1, 2, 4, 5]] # select x, y of lines >>> number_of_pixels = [10, 10] >>> pixels = pept.Pixels.from_lines(lines2d, number_of_pixels) >>> grapher.add_lines(lines) >>> grapher.add_trace(pixels.pixels_trace()) >>> ''' if not isinstance(pixels, pept.Pixels): raise TypeError(textwrap.fill(( "The input `pixels` must be an instance of `pept.Pixels` (or " f"subclass thereof. Received {type(pixels)}." ))) trace = pixels.pixels_trace( condition = condition, opacity = opacity, colorscale = colorscale, ) self._fig.add_trace(trace, row = row, col = col) return self
[docs] def add_voxels( self, voxels, row = 1, col = 1, condition = lambda voxel_data: voxel_data > 0, size = 4, color = None, opacity = 0.4, colorbar = True, colorscale = "Magma", colorbar_title = None, ): '''Create and plot a trace for all the voxels in a `pept.Voxels` instance, with possible filtering. Creates a `plotly.graph_objects.Scatter3d` object for the centres of all voxels encapsulated in a `pept.Voxels` instance, colour-coding the voxel value. The trace is added to the subplot determined by `row` and `col`. The `condition` parameter is a filtering function that should return a boolean mask (i.e. it is the result of a condition evaluation). For example `lambda x: x > 0` selects all voxels that have a value larger than 0. Parameters ---------- voxels : pept.Voxels The voxel space, encapsulated in a `pept.Voxels` object. row : int, default 1 The row of the subplot to add a trace to. col : int, default 1 The column of the subplot to add a trace to. condition : function, default `lambda voxel_data: voxel_data > 0` The filtering function applied to the voxel data before plotting it. It should return a boolean mask (a numpy array of the same shape, filled with True and False), selecting all voxels that should be plotted. The default, `lambda x: x > 0` selects all voxels which have a value larger than 0. size : float, default 4 The size of the plotted voxel points. Note that due to the large number of voxels in typical applications, the *voxel centres* are plotted as square points, which provides an easy to understand image that is also fast and responsive. color : str or list-like, optional Can be a single color (e.g. "black", "rgb(122, 15, 241)") or a colorbar list. Overrides `colorbar` if set. For more information, check the Plotly documentation. The default is None. opacity : float, default 0.4 The opacity of the lines, where 0 is transparent and 1 is fully opaque. colorbar : bool, default True If set to True, will color-code the voxel values. Is overridden if `color` is set. colorscale : str, default "Magma" The Plotly scheme for color-coding the voxel values in the input data. Typical ones include "Cividis", "Viridis" and "Magma". A full list is given at ``. Only has an effect if `colorbar = True` and `color` is not set. colorbar_title : str, optional If set, the colorbar will have this title above it. Raises ------ TypeError If `voxels` is not an instance of `pept.Voxels` or subclass thereof. Examples -------- Voxellise an array of lines and add them to a `PlotlyGrapher` instance: >>> grapher = PlotlyGrapher() >>> lines = np.array(...) # shape (N, M >= 7) >>> number_of_voxels = [10, 10, 10] >>> voxels = pept.Voxels(lines, number_of_voxels) >>> grapher.add_lines(lines) >>> grapher.add_voxels(voxels) >>> ''' if not isinstance(voxels, pept.Voxels): raise TypeError(textwrap.fill(( "The input `voxels` must be an instance of `pept.Voxels`. " f"Received {type(voxels)}." ))) trace = voxels.scatter_trace( condition = condition, size = size, color = color, opacity = opacity, colorbar = colorbar, colorscale = colorscale, colorbar_title = colorbar_title, ) self._fig.add_trace(trace, row = row, col = col) return self
[docs] def add_trace(self, trace, row = 1, col = 1): '''Add a precomputed Plotly trace to a given subplot. The equivalent of the Plotly figure.add_trace method. Parameters ---------- trace : Plotly trace (Scatter3d) A precomputed Plotly trace row : int, default 1 The row of the subplot to add a trace to. col : int, default 1 The column of the subplot to add a trace to. ''' # Add precomputed trace self._fig.add_trace(trace, row = row, col = col) return self
[docs] def add_traces(self, traces, row = 1, col = 1): '''Add a list of precomputed Plotly traces to a given subplot. The equivalent of the Plotly figure.add_traces method. Parameters ---------- traces : list [ Plotly trace (Scatter3d) ] A list of precomputed Plotly traces row : int, default 1 The row of the subplot to add the traces to. col : int, default 1 The column of the subplot to add the traces to. ''' # Add precomputed traces self._fig.add_traces( traces, rows = [row] * len(traces), cols = [col] * len(traces) ) return self
[docs] def equalise_axes(self): '''Equalise the axes of all subplots by setting the system limits `xlim` and `ylim` to equal values, such that all data plotted is within the plotted bounds. ''' # Compute min, max for the `x`, `y`, `z` dimensions for every # dataset added to `_fig` def get_min_max(fig_data): # Convert x, y, z attributes of `fig_data` to numpy arrays with # `dtype = float`, such that `None` entries are casted to # np.nan. Then find min, max for each dimension. x = np.asarray(fig_data.x, dtype = float) y = np.asarray(fig_data.y, dtype = float) z = np.asarray(fig_data.z, dtype = float) # Find min, max, ignoring np.nans xmin = np.nanmin(x) xmax = np.nanmax(x) ymin = np.nanmin(y) ymax = np.nanmax(y) zmin = np.nanmin(z) zmax = np.nanmax(z) return [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax] # `lims` columns: [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]. lims = [get_min_max(fig_data) for fig_data in] lims = np.array(lims, order = "F") # Find global min and max for each dimension. mins = lims[:, [0, 2, 4]].min(axis = 0) maxs = lims[:, [1, 3, 5]].max(axis = 0) # Find greatest range in all dimensions. max_range = (maxs - mins).max() # Find mean for each dimension to centre plot around it. mean = (maxs + mins) / 2 # Finally, set xlim, ylim, zlim to be centred around their mean, # with a span of max_range. self.xlim = [mean[0] - max_range / 2, mean[0] + max_range / 2] self.ylim = [mean[1] - max_range / 2, mean[1] + max_range / 2] self.zlim = [mean[2] - max_range / 2, mean[2] + max_range / 2]
[docs] def show(self, equal_axes = True): '''Show the Plotly figure, optionally setting equal axes limits. Note that the figure will be shown on the Plotly-configured renderer (e.g. browser, or PDF). The available renderers can be found by running the following code: >>> import as pio >>> pio.renderers If you want an interactive figure in the browser, run the following: >>> pio.renderers.default = "browser" Parameters ---------- equal_axes : bool, default True Set `xlim`, `ylim`, `zlim` to equal ranges such that the axes limits are equalised. Only has an effect if `xlim`, `ylim` and `zlim` are all `None`. If `False`, the default Plotly behaviour is used (i.e. automatically use min, max for each dimension). ''' if (equal_axes is True and self.xlim is None and self.ylim is None and self.zlim is None): self.equalise_axes()
[docs] def to_html( self, filepath, equal_axes = True, include_plotlyjs = True, ): '''Save the current Plotly figure as a self-contained HTML webpage. Parameters ---------- filepath : str or writeable Path or open file descriptor to save the HTML file to. equal_axes : bool, default True Set `xlim`, `ylim` to equal ranges such that the axes limits are equalised. Only has an effect if both `xlim` and `ylim` are `None`. If `False`, the default Plotly behaviour is used (i.e. automatically use min, max for each dimension). include_plotlyjs : True or "cdn", default True If `True`, embed the Plotly.JS library in the HTML file, allowing the graph to be shown offline, but adding 3 MB. If "cdn", the Plotly.JS library will be downloaded dynamically. Examples -------- Add 10 random points to a `PlotlyGrapher2D` instance and save the figure as an HTML webpage: >>> fig = pept.visualisation.PlotlyGrapher2D() >>> fig.add_points(np.random.random((10, 3))) >>> fig.to_html("random_points.html") ''' if equal_axes is True and self.xlim is None and self.ylim is None: self.equalise_axes() self._fig.write_html( filepath, include_plotlyjs = include_plotlyjs, )
def __repr__(self): self.equalise_axes() return self.fig.__repr__()