
Interactive 3D Plots#

The easiest method of plotting 3D PEPT-like data is using the pept.plots.PlotlyGrapher interactive grapher:

# Plotting some example 3D lines
import pept
from pept.plots import PlotlyGrapher
import numpy as np

lines_raw = np.arange(70).reshape((10, 7))
lines = pept.LineData(lines_raw)

# Plotting some example 3D points
import pept
from pept.plots import PlotlyGrapher
import numpy as np

points_raw = np.arange(40).reshape((10, 4))
points = pept.PointData(points_raw)


The PlotlyGrapher object allows straightforward subplots creation:

# Plot the example 3D lines and points on separate subplots
grapher = PlotlyGrapher(cols = 2)

grapher.add_lines(lines)                        # col = 1 by default
grapher.add_points(points, col = 2)
# Plot the example 3D lines and points on separate subplots
grapher = PlotlyGrapher(rows = 2, cols = 2)

grapher.add_lines(lines, col = 2)               # row = 1 by default
grapher.add_points(points, row = 2, col = 2)

Adding Colourbars#

By default, the last column of a dataset is used to colour-code the resulting points:

from pept.plots import PlotlyGrapher
PlotlyGrapher().add_points(point_data).show()   # Colour-codes by the last column

You can change the column used to colour-code points using a numeric index (e.g. first column colorbar_col = 0, second to last column colorbar_col = -2) or named column (e.g. colorbar_col = "error"):

PlotlyGrapher().add_points(point_data, colorbar_col = -2).show()
PlotlyGrapher().add_points(point_data, colorbar_col = "label").show()   # Coloured by trajectory
PlotlyGrapher().add_points(point_data, colorbar_col = "v").show()       # Coloured by velocity

As a PlotlyGrapher will often manage multiple subplots, one shouldn’t include explicit colourbars on the sides for each dataset plotted. Therefore, colourbars are hidden by default; add a colourbar by setting its title:

PlotlyGrapher().add_points(points, colorbar_title = "Velocity").show()

Histogram of Tracking Errors#

The Centroids(error = True) filter appends a column “error” representing the relative error in the tracked position. You can select a named column via indexing, e.g. trajectories["error"]; you can then plot a histogram of the relative errors with:

import as px
px.histogram(trajectories["error"]).show()          # Large values are noise
px.histogram(trajectories["cluster_size"]).show()   # Small values are noise

It is often useful to remove points with an error higher than a certain value, e.g. 20 mm:

trajectories = Condition("error < 20").fit(trajectories)

# Or simply append the `Condition` to the `pept.Pipeline`
pipeline = pept.Pipeline([
    Condition("cluster_size > 30, error < 20"),

Exporting Plotly Graphs as Images#

The standard output of the Plotly grapher is an interactive HTML webpage; however, this can lead to large file sizes or memory overflows. Plotly allows for graphs to be exported as images to alleviate some of these issues.

Ensure you have imported:

import as px
import kaleido
import as pio

There are two main ways of exporting as images:

# Save the inner plotly.Figure attribute of a `grapher`
# Format can be changed to other image formats
# Width and height can be adjusted to give the desired image size
grapher.fig.write_image("figure.png", width=2560, height=1440)

Modifying the Underlying Figure#

You can access the Plotly figure wrapped and managed by a PlotlyGrapher using the .fig attribute:

grapher.fig.update_layout(xaxis_title = "Pipe Length (mm)")