
class pept.tracking.TimeOfFlight(temporal_resolution=None, points=False)[source]#

Bases: LineDataFilter

Compute the positron annihilation locations of each LoR as given by the Time Of Flight (ToF) data of the two LoR timestamps.

Filter signature:

LineData -> TimeOfFlight.fit_sample -> LineData  (points = False)
LineData -> TimeOfFlight.fit_sample -> PointData (points = True)

Importantly, the input LineData must have at least 8 columns, formatted as [t1, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, t2] - notice the different timestamps of the two LoR ends.

If points = False (default), the computed ToF points are saved as an extra attribute “tof” in the input LineData; otherwise they are returned directly.

The temporal_resolution should be set to the FWHM of the temporal resolution in the LoR timestamps, in self-consistent units of measure (e.g. m / s or mm / ms, but not mm / s). If it is set, the “temporal_resolution” and “spatial_resolution” extra attributes are set on the ToF points.

New in pept-0.4.2


Generate 10 random LoRs between (-100, 100) mm and ms with 8 columns for the ToF format.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pept
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng(0)
>>> lors = pept.LineData(
>>>     rng.uniform(-100, 100, (10, 8)),
>>>     columns = ["t1", "x1", "y1", "z1", "x2", "y2", "z2", "t2"],
>>> )
>>> lors
pept.LineData (samples: 1)
sample_size = 10
overlap = 0
lines =
  (rows: 10, columns: 8)
  [[ 57.4196615  -52.1261114  ...  -9.93212667  59.26485406]
   [-53.8715582  -89.59573979 ... -40.26077344  34.39897559]
   [ 51.59020047   2.55174465 ... -31.13800424 -13.94025361]
   [ 93.21241616  12.44636845 ... -75.08905883 -42.3338486 ]]
columns = ['t1', 'x1', 'y1', 'z1', 'x2', 'y2', 'z2', 't2']
attrs = {}

Compute Time of Flight annihilation locations from the two timestamps in the data above. Assume a temporal resolution of 100 ps - be careful to use self-consistent units; in this case we are using mm and ms:

>>> from pept.tracking import *
>>> temporal_resolution = 100e-12 * 1000    # ms
>>> lors_tof = TimeOfFlight(temporal_resolution).fit_sample(lors)
>>> lors_tof
pept.LineData (samples: 1)
sample_size = 10
overlap = 0
lines =
  (rows: 10, columns: 8)
  [[ 57.4196615  -52.1261114  ...  -9.93212667  59.26485406]
   [-53.8715582  -89.59573979 ... -40.26077344  34.39897559]
   [ 51.59020047   2.55174465 ... -31.13800424 -13.94025361]
   [ 93.21241616  12.44636845 ... -75.08905883 -42.3338486 ]]
columns = ['t1', 'x1', 'y1', 'z1', 'x2', 'y2', 'z2', 't2']
attrs = {
  'tof': pept.PointData (samples: 1)
>>> lors_tof.attrs["tof"]
pept.PointData (samples: 1)
sample_size = 10
overlap = 0
points =
  (rows: 10, columns: 4)
  [[ 5.64970655e+01 -3.22092074e+07  2.41767704e+08 -1.30428351e+08]
   [-9.80068250e+01 -2.48775932e+09 -1.12904720e+10 -6.43480969e+09]
   [ 1.88249731e+01  3.34819602e+09 -8.78848458e+09  2.83529405e+09]
   [ 2.54392837e+01  1.90343279e+10 -1.92717662e+09 -6.84078611e+09]]
columns = ['t', 'x', 'y', 'z']
attrs = {
  'temporal_resolution': 1.0000000000000001e-07
  'spatial_resolution': 29.9792458

Alternatively, you can extract only the ToF points directly:

>>> tof = TimeOfFlight(temporal_resolution, points = True).fit_sample(lors)
>>> tof
pept.PointData (samples: 1)
sample_size = 10
overlap = 0
points =
  (rows: 10, columns: 4)
  [[ 5.64970655e+01 -3.22092074e+07  2.41767704e+08 -1.30428351e+08]
   [-9.80068250e+01 -2.48775932e+09 -1.12904720e+10 -6.43480969e+09]
   [ 1.88249731e+01  3.34819602e+09 -8.78848458e+09  2.83529405e+09]
   [ 2.54392837e+01  1.90343279e+10 -1.92717662e+09 -6.84078611e+09]]
columns = ['t', 'x', 'y', 'z']
attrs = {
  'temporal_resolution': 1.0000000000000001e-07
  'spatial_resolution': 29.9792458
__init__(temporal_resolution=None, points=False)[source]#


__init__([temporal_resolution, points])


Create a deep copy of an instance of this class, including all inner attributes.

fit(line_data[, executor, max_workers, verbose])

Apply self.fit_sample (implemented by subclasses) according to the execution policy.



Load a saved / pickled PEPTObject object from filepath.


Save a PEPTObject instance as a binary pickle object.

fit_sample(sample: LineData)[source]#

Create a deep copy of an instance of this class, including all inner attributes.

fit(line_data, executor='joblib', max_workers=None, verbose=True)#

Apply self.fit_sample (implemented by subclasses) according to the execution policy. Simply return a list of processed samples. If you need a reduction step (e.g. stack all processed samples), apply it in the subclass.

static load(filepath)#

Load a saved / pickled PEPTObject object from filepath.

Most often the full object state was saved using the .save method.

filepathfilename or file handle

If filepath is a path (rather than file handle), it is relative to where python is called.

pept.PEPTObject subclass instance

The loaded object.


Save a LineData instance, then load it back:

>>> lines = pept.LineData([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]])
>>> lines_reloaded = pept.LineData.load("lines.pickle")

Save a PEPTObject instance as a binary pickle object.

Saves the full object state, including inner attributes, in a portable binary format. Load back the object using the load method.

filepathfilename or file handle

If filepath is a path (rather than file handle), it is relative to where python is called.


Save a LineData instance, then load it back:

>>> lines = pept.LineData([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]])
>>> lines_reloaded = pept.LineData.load("lines.pickle")